Tuesday, November 9, 2010


Tonight was one of those nights when I felt BRITTLE - two meetings after school, then picked up dog & brought him home & fed him, then picked up three huge bags of laundry then my scrip... then while I was at CVS I had this urge to get bath stuff..and I did and I came home and had a lavender bath and a glass of white wine and now I am eating an Amys frozen Pizza while I sip my wine and type my new blog...I feel very self indulgent at the moment but in a good way, if that makes any sense...I have Music for Compline on & it is relaxing and beautiful...I SO want to get to bed, or at least fall asleep early tonight, I think that was a big part of my problem today, nit having enough sleep last night....of course coffee at 6 PM last night before I wnet ot Julie's mothinlaw's wake was problably not a wise decision, but after school and the doctor's office, I needed it (or so I thought).  I sound like a brat! i DO!!!