Wednesday, December 8, 2010

So, I had a decent talk with my daughter this evening. She was home by about 6:15, which meant, to me, that she wanted to talk. We didn't say much of substance but she filled me in on her new apartment (she is moving Saturday) and her new job (she now has three jobs). I know things will be hard for her but at the same time i know she has to do this. And, more importantly, I know that I have to do this. Or neither of us will grow. She may be hurt that i "kickeed" her out, but I know what I did was right. I gave her a boundary (if you live here, you must come home at night to sleep) and she didn't abide. I do not feel angry right now and I am grateful for that - it was just eating me up. But I am being firm - I have to be. I mean, I could cave in at any moment- part of me watns to do that - but I know, ddep down insude what is right.
while we were talking, I heard music coming from the bedroom- it was "Return to Sorrento" - from the music box I bought for my grandma when i was 14 and a sophomore on a trip to Italy. I got it bakc when she died... and hadn't heard it play in years. So THIS WAS SO RANDOM- it was as if she was there with us, blessing our conversation, that's all I could think of. SO thank you GOd!!

Thursday, November 11, 2010


Yeah! A day off and it is a beautiful November day, I always think of our wedding on days like this...These are the days that make me remember why I love fall. And it's a perfect day to clean the house. I so want to get things organized... off to drop off Milo and then to Pilates Will ask D if she's like to have lunch with me today.

Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Today I didn't have a chance to journal before work, because I got up at 6 (I accidentally turned the alarm off) and I had just enough time to get myself ready and get the dog in the car and go to school. I am looking forward to a long weekend of cleaning the, seriously, I AM. I can't wait to get stuff around here in order!!

Tuesday, November 9, 2010


Tonight was one of those nights when I felt BRITTLE - two meetings after school, then picked up dog & brought him home & fed him, then picked up three huge bags of laundry then my scrip... then while I was at CVS I had this urge to get bath stuff..and I did and I came home and had a lavender bath and a glass of white wine and now I am eating an Amys frozen Pizza while I sip my wine and type my new blog...I feel very self indulgent at the moment but in a good way, if that makes any sense...I have Music for Compline on & it is relaxing and beautiful...I SO want to get to bed, or at least fall asleep early tonight, I think that was a big part of my problem today, nit having enough sleep last night....of course coffee at 6 PM last night before I wnet ot Julie's mothinlaw's wake was problably not a wise decision, but after school and the doctor's office, I needed it (or so I thought).  I sound like a brat! i DO!!!